current email

I would like to take a moment to welcome everyone back to the start of a
wonderful school year.  I hope that your summers were filled with much joy,
peace, relaxing and memories to prepare you for the task at hand.    I am
excited about this school year we have much to do to help our students,
schools and district be prepared for this next decade!

*General updates: *

As most have heard,  the Board meeting on Monday the committee announced 4
candidates for superintendents  at this point I know that interviews will be
next week and everything is on track in the boards selection of a new
leader!  With a new leader comes change!  Change can and should be a good
thing!  We should embrace the changes because it will make us better
teachers which will make our students better students!  A win win for
everyone!  I am looking forward to working closely with our new
superintendent.  I truly believe that GREAT things are coming to GC.

*GCEA in the NEWs *

Upcoming events planned:

*August 9th *

Booth – please come by,  you need to check your information make sure it is
all correct and we have a current school and email address for you.  If you
would like to help come on down early!

LuAnn Asbury will be speaking to all school staff at 10:45

KEA- GCEA will be hosting lunch BBQ for all school staff on Monday August 9th